Destination Texas

The past few weeks I have traveled to some of the fishing festivals and local fly fishing shops throughout our great state, one question keeps coming up, the Texas coast is not a destination spot for out of state fly fishermen/women. So this has me thinking, why is this so. With our 367 miles of coastline, diversity in coastal fish species, why is it not? We have hundreds of miles of marshland, miles of pristine grass flats, and miles of white sand, where redfish, trout, black drum and many other species are quite abundant. On any one day a fly fisherman may have many shots at either one of these species and most are eager to eat.

It’s true, our weather patterns can deter many from trying to fly fish on our great coast but on any given day one can have an epic adventure. 2017 was one for the record books on weather, we had hurricane Harvey which wrecked havoc on most of our middle to upper coast, we had an unusually cold winter, where it snowed over seven inches at our home in Flour Bluff and the wind, well that can be an article to itself. Even with everything thrown at us, the fishing has been great and continues to get better and better every day. So what makes a state a destination for our traveling anglers, this is the question that I have. Having been fortunate to travel and fish around the world, and had some pretty epic adventures, Texas to me is one of the most beautiful places to explore. The fishing is phenomenal and the diversity in our coastline is amazing. If one wants to fly fish in the marshlands, there are places that remind me of times in Louisiana in the winter, in the Spring when the water is gin clear and the turtle grass is flowing, one may be reminded of Florida, on our beautiful white sands, one may think back to chasing bonefish on the fly in the Bahamas.
The beauty of Texas is, it is easy to get to and experience anyone of these conditions, plus, it happens year round. We have no one season of fishing, it’s true some days are more of a challenge but the fishing is good to great every month of the year. It’s true, I am a Texian but I have experienced other fisheries and Texas is my destination of choice. If someone wants to experience the natural beauty of our Texas Coastline first hand, feel free to give me a call (361) 500-2788 to book your adventure at a true destination. Dates available March and April.

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